Metamotion for 270 degrees is loosely based on the biblical story of Salome. Performed by Antonia Steffens during Flam Festival Amsterdam 2018

Metamotion for 270 degrees is loosely based on the biblical story of Salome. The work uses the character of the young, dancing female body to construct an architecture of myths around femininity in Western art history. Through entering and exiting different images, the performer dialogues with objects, times, references and narratives while constantly changing roles. The work indecisively attempts to keep a myth alive, but simultaneously it is sabotaging, decomposing it and investigates the relevance of doing so in front of an audience’s gaze. During a journey of weaving a web, the performer is fallis in and out of multiple dimensions of experiencing her own twisted projections of the story.
Photography: Nelly de Boer
Flam festival, Amsterdam 2018